Life Coaching for Men

I help men find more self-confidence. Resting into a truer self, as they act in service to the more beautiful world they can imagine.

Maybe it shows up for you as a challenge, like feeling stuck. Like being simultaneously on a hamster wheel and aware that it’s going nowhere.

Here’s what I’ve seen in myself and others…

  • Overcoming a challenge requires taking action in a new direction with a new mindset. 
  • The kinds of actions that lead to getting unstuck are the kind that evoke the inner voice of fear and inner criticism. 
  • Those inner voices are intending to hold us back from change to remain in comfort. 
  • To settle us from fear, we need to establish an inner ally voice that can assure the other voices all is well—when it’s just our own discomfort at play.

I spent many years as a quiet kid. Through men’s work and coaching training, I developed more self-awareness, expression, and understanding of how people change. I’m familiar with my inner ally voice.

“The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” — Dan Millman, Way of the Peaceful Warrior

In my life, I’ve turned towards the “new” while overcoming things like:

  • Feeling aimless and lacking purpose;
  • The creative journey of birthing a book into publication;
  • Hard relationship challenges with my romantic partner;
  • The hardest parts of being a father to young kids.

When I coach men in the wide context of life, we get specific up front so that the coaching has intention and supports forward momentum. The coaching relationship is in service to what you want to achieve in any context of your life that matters to you.

My approach is to bring presence and guidance to uncover the clarity and confidence that already exists deep inside you.

We’ll start where you are. We’ll go slow. We’ll integrate as we go.

This is NOT for:

  • Men who want a quick fix;
  • Men who are not open to change;
  • Men who are on the fence about the value of having a coach.

This is for:

  • Men who acknowledge there is an inner conflict they carry that is getting in the way of feeling at peace with who they are;
  • Men who are curious about what they are capable of in service to generating more life and beauty in their worlds (self, family, community);
  • Men who have been coached in the past and find value in a coaching relationship.

Want to learn more?

Let’s meet for 45 minutes to see if we’re a good fit. Our agenda will be:

  • Tell me about your stuckness and goals.
  • I’ll tell you how I work with someone like you (and I won’t pressure you into working with me).

Typical Outcomes:

  • More self-confidence;
  • Actions are aligning better with an inner knowing;
  • Less concerned about being judged by others;
  • More emotional expression and resilience;
  • Better quality of connection in relationships;
  • Better quality of connection to your body.


Matthew Sloane cultivates compassion for himself and others by sharing candid stories and insights about being a man, father, and husband. Since 2003, he has explored men’s work in various settings, participating in men’s and dad’s groups as both a member and facilitator.

Certified as an Integral Coach from New Ventures West in 2009, he brings a developmental lens to both dialogues and his creative writing projects. In all his work aimed at men, he seeks to shatter the limitations of 1-dimensional manhood in a way that supports individual self-compassion and growth.

Let’s talk