Category: my articles
Taking Off the 1-Dimensional Glasses
The divisive mindset is one that puts people into groups in our minds and either condemns them or praises them for simply being in those groups. This is not a mindset that is unique to any one group right now—it is rampant among, and within, all of us. For this reason, I write to the…
Resisting Hate
As I explore demonizing in myself and others, I have noticed an odd phenomena occurring in conversations, especially those of a political nature. I notice my own tendency to condemn hate that I have witnessed in a political figure, which is followed by my own version of hate for that very figure. In essence, I…
The Last Thing I Need is Another Set of Rules on “How to be a Man”
There had been some discussion on elephant journal about what it takes to be men or women in relationships. Like this article, (which starts with, “If I am going act like a goddess, I want a man who acts like a god.”) and this retort (“If I’m going to act like a god, I require…