Hiding Inside a Man

Advance praise for the book, coming November 2024…

“Matt’s deeply personal book with his words, his drawings, his inner journey, also seems universal. We elders may recognize this journey as we have been there. Young men may track this path, discover their own trajectory and take heart. With this gift of guidance they may just find the soul poetry of worthy masculinity.”

Bill Kauth /
co-founder of the New Warrior Training Adventure of The Mankind Project and author of ‘A Circle of Men’ and ‘We Need Each Other: Building Gift Community’

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“It is a road map for every man seeking connection and full expression. I couldn’t put it down.”

Rich Dutra-St John MA MFT /
co-author of ‘Be the Hero You’ve Been Waiting For’, co-founder of Challenge Day & the Be the Change Movement

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“If my dad had handed this book to me, I would have known that I wasn’t alone. I believe that many men, of any age, will see aspects of their own personal journey in these pages, hauntingly laid out in a form that walks the line between picture book and graphic novel.”

Boysen Hodgsen /
Mankind Project Journal

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“A book for the male seeking to connect with his dark side and the denied part of his authentic self.”

Herb Goldberg, PhD /
Licensed Psychologist
and author of ‘The Hazards of Being Male’

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Spread from the book.

Hiding Inside a Man: Finding Strength in Self-Compassion is an illustrated journey through one man’s confusion and healing in relation to being a man.

Matthew Sloane, integral coach and men’s work advocate, shares personal challenges while offering gentle, affirmative guidance toward authenticity.

This book is ideal for deep-feeling men navigating self-acceptance, for the allies who support them, and for readers interested in the intersection of art and personal growth.

Grab one of Matthew’s freebies in the footer below and you’ll be notified when the book, Hiding Inside a Man, is available for purchase in November 2024.